In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
It Right
By Br. Abul Walid Al-Hamawi & Br. Ibrahim Abu Khalid

The Da'wah (invitation) to Allah is the
duty of the Muslim
Ummah. Every Muslim is charged with
this mission, as Allah
(s.w.t) says: "Let there arise out of
you a group of people
inviting to all that is good, enjoining
what is Ma'rouf (right)
and forbidding what is Munkar (wrong).
And it is they who
are the successful." [3:104]. The fulfillment
of this mission on
the individual level however varies
with the capacity of the
Muslim, including their linguistic abilities,
confidence, and
Without Da'wah, the people fall into
ignorance and
misguidance. The absence of Da'wah means
the absence of
a force to prevent the spread of evil
and injustice on the
earth. Our Prophet (s.a.w) has warned
us of the
consequences: "At a time when people
become indifferent to
the spread of evil, they incur Allah's
punishment." [Ahmad,
The successful Da'ee will need to consider
many aspects of
Islamic knowledge, the condition of
the environment he is
working in, his resources and means,
and what he wishes to
accomplish. This article is divided
into four main themes and
attempts to provide a perspective on
these issues to assist the
Da'ee in his mission.
Sociocultural Structure
of the West
As we head towards another millennium, Muslims are looking back
at the
events that shaped the 20th Century and are reflecting on this
humiliating and
devastating period in the history of Islam. The fall of the
Khilafah and
consequently the disappearance of the Shari'ah, the division
of Muslim land
into minute powerless countries, the rise of secular theories
on all intellectual
fronts, are only some of the major crises that inflicted the
Muslim Ummah.
The consecutive dictatorship regimes and the degrading living
have driven many Muslims out of their homes temporarily to places
hostile towards their religion and in search of better living
standards. The
Western countries, a primary contributor to this migration,
ironically accepted
most of those Muslim immigrants who today number well over 15
The West, a general term referring to Western Europe, North America
some other countries likeAustralia and Zealand, is a place of
opportunities for Muslims to practice Da'wah and claim more
adherents to the
universal Deen of Allah. However, to make use of such opportunities,
Muslim Da'ees must be aware and mindful of the environment they
live in.
They should attain an adequate level of knowledge about the
culture and
social order of their Western country. An understanding of the
history, geography, demography, economy, religions and ethnic
are very important aspects which help the Da'ees in their mission.
They also
need to learn about the country's political system, parties
and the "who",
"what", and "how" of the political process. What are the major
magazines and broadcasting organisations? Who are the opinion
famous figures, authors, scientists, etc.?
The Da'ee should exhibit the following traits, else his mission
could lead to
failure, in both his earthly mission and in the Hereafter.
Sincerity in conveying the Message and detachment from personal
gain is the
trait of righteous persons. Not only will the insincere Da'ee
be punished on
the Day of Judgment for his hypocrisy, but when people observe
him craving
for a worldly or personal benefit when conveying the Message,
immediately reject his advice and doubt his mission. On the
other hand, the
sincere Da'ee is respected by his community, and people usually
listen to what
he says and observe his recommendations. The Prophet (s.a.w)
warned us:
"He who let the people hear of his good deeds intentionally,
to win their
praise, Allah will let the people know his real intention (on
the Day of
Resurrection). And he who does good things in public to show
off and win
the praise of the people, Allah will disclose his real intention
(and humiliate
him)" [Bukhari, 8/506]. It is therefore essential for the Da'ee
to be sincere, and
to separate and openly declare oneself from personal gain, such
as wealth,
position or power; and thus imitate the example of the Prophets
when they
said to their people, "No reward do I ask you for it (my Message
of Islamic
Monotheism), my reward is only from the Lord of the Worlds."
Furthermore, let his motto be Allah's passage: "Say (O Muhammad):
my Salat (prayer), my sacrifice, my living, and my dying
are for Allah, the
Lord of the Worlds." [6:162]
Part of sincerity in performing Da'wah is witnessing the Da'ee
applying what
he is preaching and being among the first to submit himself
to Allah. Allah
(s.w.t) instructed His Prophet (s.a.w) in this regard: "Say
(O Muhammad):
'Verily, I am commanded to worship Allah (Alone) sincerely.
And I am
commanded (this) in order that I may be the first of those who
themselves to Allah (in Islam) as Muslims.' Say (O Muhammad):
'Verily, If I
disobey my Lord, I am afraid of the torment of a great Day.'"
As an example for his community, the Da'ee should begin his Da'wah
with his
family, relatives and close friends in accordance with Allah's
command: "O
you who believe! Ward off from yourselves and your families
a Fire (Hell)
whose fuel is men and stones.." [66:6] This was the Sunnah
of the Prophet
(s.a.w) as his call was first directed to his wife Khadeejah,
his cousin Ali, and
his closest friend Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with all the
Abu Hurairah (r.a.a) reported that when (this verse) was revealed:
"And warn
(O Muhammad) your nearest kinsmen," [26:214] Allah's
Messenger (s.a.w)
said: "O people of Quraish, buy yourselves from Allah (i.e.
secure deliverance from Allah by doing good deeds), I cannot
avail you at all against Allah. O 'Abbaas bin 'Abd al-Muttalib
(the Prophet's uncle), I cannot avail you at all against Allah;
O Safiyyah (the Prophet's aunt), I cannot avail you at all against
Allah; O Fatimah, daughter of Muhammad, ask me whatever you like, but I
cannot avail you at all against Allah." [Muslim, 1/402]
A Da'ees household is always in the critical eye of the community.
If they find
his wife and children to be careless in their application of
Islam, they will take
the Da'ee as being incompetent at his job and turn away. The
Da'ee will also
be held responsible firstly for his family before his community.
Knowledge & Expression
The carrier of the Message must be sufficiently competent in
knowledge and expression qualities, so to convey his thoughts
about a
certain subject accurately and explicitly. Obviously, an ignorant
Muslim or
one who is poor in articulation is not fit to convey the Message
to the people.
In fact, he may do more harm than good to the Deen of Allah
and may drive
people away from him. Some young enthusiastic Muslims erroneously
that Islamic knowledge can be gained from reading magazines
or listening to
an audio tape in their spare time. The truth is that the sciences
of Islam can
only be acquired through the systematic process of learning
which demands
wholehearted approach to time and effort. The Prophet (s.a.w)
said: "If Allah
wants to do good to a person, he makes him comprehend the Deen;
and of
course knowledge is attained by learning." [Bukhari, 1/67] Many
pious Salaf
have said: "Give knowledge (of Deen) everything you have, it
will give you
some of what it has." We may now ask: "How much will knowledge
of Deen
give us if we only give it some of our leisure time?"
The beautiful style of speech
In preaching Islam, the Da'ee should try when possible to demonstrate
rhetoric and literary eloquent speech. This is the style of
the Qur'an in
addressing humanity and the Da'ees are responsible for acquiring
respectable level of language proficiency to effectively convey
the Message.
It is worthy to note that all evil channels of communication
convey its
falsehood and mischief through adorned speech. Allah (s.w.t)
states: "And so
We have appointed for every Prophet enemies - Shayaateen (devils)
mankind and jinn, inspiring one another with adorned speech
as a delusion
(or by way of deception). If your Lord had so willed, they would
not have
done it, so leave them alone with their fabrications. (And this
is in order)
that the hearts of those who disbelieve in the Hereafter may
incline to such
(deceit), and that they remain pleased with it, and that they
may commit
what they are committing (all kinds of sins and evil deeds,
etc.)" [6:112-113]
Therefore, if the leaders of falsehood use the weapon of garnished
speech and
styles of expression to deceive the hearts of those who disbelieve
in the
Hereafter, then the Da'ees are more entitled to use this to
call for the truth.
Strong Will & Confidence
It is very desirable that the Da'ee exhibit strong will, positive
and a capacity to control emotions. These characteristics are
gained from
sincerity and reliance on Allah and from knowledge and language
competency, along with extensive experience and repetition.
The importance of these characteristics becomes evident when
knowing that
facing the people with different beliefs and concepts with the
aim of guiding
them to the Straight Path is no less than declaring an ideological
war on their
beliefs and conceptions that are part of their persons. People
will not
relinquish their beliefs and thoughts unless they are convinced
with better
alternatives, and naturally, they would take a cautious stance
from, if not
oppose, the Da'ee. But when such a Da'ee is garnished with strong
will and
confidence and is charismatic in speech and presentation, people
begin to feel
that this Da'ee is a mentor who is keen on their guidance and
happiness, and
some of them may in fact respond to the call. When few people
find the
guidance, a group of followers begin to form, and more will
follow suite.
In the course of Da'wah, the Da'ee will inevitably face afflictions,
and obstacles, that try to lure him off his mission. If he fails
these tests, he will
fall into the bait of Shayaateen and even though he is wearing
the garments of
a reformer, he will share in the corruption without him noticing.
However, the
true Da'ee remains steadfast on truth, seeking reward for his
perseverance and
knowing that being a leader and an example, his intowards seductiis
despicable and harmful than the wicked flagitious people. The
prophet (s.a.w)
said: "A Muslim remains subject to trials (in this world) in
respect of self,
children and property till he or she faces Allah, the Exalted,
(on the Day of
Judgment) in a state in which all his or her sins have been
remitted." [Tirmidhi,
If the Shayaateen of man don't succeed in their hideous assignment
to win the
Da'ee to their side, they will at least subject their efforts
on abusing him with
offensive and threatening language, if not try to hurt him.
The Da'ee must be
patient and console himself by remembering that he is not better
than the
Prophets of Allah and their companions, who suffered tremendously
on this
noble path. He mustn't let their speech grieve him because all
honour belongs
to Allah who says: "And be patient (O Muhammad) with what
they say, and
keep away from them in a good way. And leave Me Alone to
deal with the
beliers, and those who are in possession of good things of
life. And give them
respite for a little while. Verily, with Us are fetters (to
blind them), and a
raging Fire." [73:10-12]
Not only does the true Da'ee exercise patience during adversities
hardships, but he also continues his mission eagerly and devotes
assiduously to Da'wah work even if it was little. The Prophet
(s.a.w) was
asked: "What deeds are loved most by Allah?" He said: "The most
constant deeds even though they may be few." He added: "Don't
take upon
yourselves, except the deeds which are within your ability."
[Bukhari, 8/472]
Moral Excellence
Another really admirable characteristics of a Da'ee is exhibiting
gentleness, courtesy and high manners when dealing with people.
Being an
active member of the society, the Da'ee would have excellent
social relations
and would not alienate himself from people. He would initiate
greetings with
Salam, respond to invitations, offer services, conciliate matters
of differences
among people, visit the sick, join funeral processions, etc.,
as reported in
many Ahadeeth. The Da'ee should approach all these tasks with
leniency and
gentleness. The Prophet (s.a.w) said: "Allah likes gentleness
in all matters."
[Bukhari] Even if the Da'ee is faced with a hypocrite or an
offender, he should
maintain his friendly trait. 'Aaishah (r.a.a) narrated that
a man asked
permission to see the Prophet, and the Prophet (s.a.w) said:
"He is a bad
member of the tribe." When he entered, the Prophet (s.a.w) treated
him in a
frank and friendly way and spoke to him. When he departed, I
said: "Allah's
Messenger! When he asked permission, you said, 'he is a bad
member of the
tribe;' but when he entered, you treated him in a frank and
friendly way." The
Prophet (s.a.w) replied: "'Aaisha! Allah does not like the
one who is unseemly and lewd in his language." [Abu Daawood,
Methodology of Da'wah
The act of preaching and educating in the field of Da'wah are
not easy tasks.
They not only demand massive effort and God-fearing character,
but also
instigate a comprehensive systematic approach that is based
on the Qur'an
and Sunnah. Without such a proper approach, the success of the
efforts of
inviting to Islam is a remote possibility.
Reason with Truth
The first principle in the correct approach is in the Da'ee limiting
his source of
reasoning and inferences to the Book of Allah (s.w.t) and the
Sunnah of His
Messenger (s.a.w). All myths, suspicions, superstition and falsehood
sources rejected by Islam, for truth cannot be sustained except
with truth. The
Prophet (s.a.w) cautioned: "He who intentionally lies about
me will find his
abode in Hell-Fire." [Tirmidhi, 232] Truth has enough true proofs
to uphold it.
Even if the addressee accept to believe in false proofs, the
addresser would
have committed a great crime in Islam. Moreover, reasoning from
weakens the truth that one claims to support. Such sources of
include the kashf dimension in Sufism, fabricated ahadeeth,
irrational or
unfounded ideas to prove doctrinal concepts and the Bible (unless
circumstances warrant). Allah the All-Wise states: "Who is
more unjust than
one who invents a lie against Allah or rejects His ayaat
(proofs, revelations,
etc.)?" [7:37]
Progressive & Gradual
Another important principle in the approach of the Da'ee is using
progressive, gradual development in preaching, beginning with
fundamentals ('aqeedah) followed by its major branches and tenets,
moral prescripts and major rules of worship. This was the Sunnah
of the
Prophets in inviting people to Islam. When Mu'aadh (r.a.a) was
send to
Yemen, he was instructed by the Prophet (s.a.w) to call the
people firstly to
the testimony of faith (Shahaadah). If they obeyed him, he was
to explain to
them that Allah has prescribed five prayers daily, and if they
obeyed him, the
obligation of charity, and so on. [See Bukhari, 2/537]
The successful Da'ee recognises that his role is not merely in
conveyance of
the Message, but extends to the boundaries of continual Tarbiyah
education of young enthusiastic generations of believers. This
role is crucial
in the non-Islamic environment, where many uneducated Muslims
who were
raised on shallow perception of Islam or a scant emotion towards
this religion,
compete to lead Muslim organisations blindly for the sake of
fame or
reputation leading to deep divisions and anti-Islamic practices
in the
community. The Da'ee must plant the seeds of goodness in the
hearts of the
Muslim youth and then pledge to constantly raise them progressively
accordance with Allah's Law, resembling the description of the
Companions of
the Prophet in the Injeel. Allah (s.w.t) says: "..their description
in the Injeel
(Gospel) is like a (sown) seed which sends forth its shoot,
then makes it
strong, it then becomes thick, and it stands straight on
its stem, delighting
the sowers - that He may enrage the disbelievers with them."
Guidance is from Allah
The Da'ee must always remember that he is not entrusted with
people from Kufr to Imaan, for ultimate guidance is from Allah,
and free will is
the bases of the Divine worldly test. Allah (s.w.t) said: "The
Messenger's duty
is only to convey (the message) in a clear way." [24:54]
Nor should the Da'ee
worry about the number of his followers; but should sympathise
with some of
the Prophets (s.a.w), the best of mankind, who will come on
the Day of
Judgment with just one or two followers [Ahmad, Bayhaqi, Nasaa'i.]
Shaytaan will use this fact to establish resignation and hoplesness
in the
hearts of the Da'ee. He will make it appear to him that he could
funnel his
efforts elsewhere, until the Da'ee believes that it is better
to fix himself (the
so-called Jihad al-Nafs) rather than others. This selfish view,
which denies the
community their right to be educated on Islam, has afflicted
many Da'ees who
have not grasped the essence of conveying the message.
Public Presentation
Propagating the Message through oration is a very effective and
method of Da'wah. Words that are heard are more inspiring and
moving than
words that are read, as they contain prominent features of life
and emotion.
When the Da'ee is assigned with a public presentation (e.g.
Khutbas, lessons,
etc.), there are rational and traditional (Sunnah) guidelines
he should follow.
Some of these are summarised below:
1.Choice of subject
The choice of subject must be relevant
and interesting, well researched
and prepared, systematically developed
and integrated, and logically
approached by building up the
main themes and ideas leading to a
final conclusion, in harmony with
the Fitra of the sound intellect.
2.Method of delivery
The Da'ee should be in connection
with all levels of the community
and not favour a group of people
over others. He should also address
his lectures with wisdom on different
occasions, depending on the
people's scope of intellect. However
an outstanding feature of an
exemplary lecture is when the
speaker addresses the thoughts, feelings
and souls of the audience. The
expectations of the listeners' thoughts
are met when logical proofs presented
to them. The li' feelings and
emotions are moved when they hear
the truth that calls for good and
rejects evil; and their souls
will be delighted when they hear the desire
of Allah's great reward and the
despise of His punishment.
3.Good preparation
If the Da'ee is well prepared and
has trust in Allah, his confidence will
be at a high esteem. Allah (s.w.t)
says: "And who is better in speech
than he who says: 'My Lord
is Allah (believes in His Oneness),' and
then stands straight (acts
upon His Order), and invites (men) to
Allah, and does righteous deeds,
and says: 'I am one of the Muslims.'"
4.Parables & similitudes
The use of parables will make the
comprehension of an issue and it
memorisation much easier and more
interesting. Allah Himself makes
use of such language: "And
indeed We have put forth for men, in this
Qur'an every kind of similitude
in order that they may remember."
5.Choice of time
'Abdullah ibn Mas'ood (r.a.a) narrated
that the Prophet (s.a.w) used to
take care of us in preaching by
selecting a suitable time, so that we
might not get bored." [Bukhari,
1/68]. It should be remembered that
each group will have its concentration
span. Young children are limited
to 20 minutes, adults who come
to pray Juma'a and have work will also
become fidgety if the Khutbah
gets too long.
6.Brevity & eloquence
The Prophet (s.a.w) said: "The
lengthening of prayer by a man and the
shortness of the sermon is a sign
of his understanding (of faith). So
lengthen the prayer and shorten
the sermon, for there is charm (in
precise) expression." [Muslim,
Unfortunately however there are
many who will out of good-will give a
prolonged Khutbah, citing that
this is the only opportunity that many
will receive some knowledge. The
converse is true in this situation, as
the people become restless and
7.Clarity & repetition
Narrated 'Aaishah (r.a.a): "The
Prophet (s.a.w) used to talk so clearly
that if somebody wanted to count
the number of his words, he could
do so." [Bukhari, 4/768]. It has
also been narrated from Anas bin
Maalik (r.a.a): "Whenever the
Prophet spoke a sentence (said a thing),
he used to repeat it thrice so
that the people could understand it
properly from him." [Bukhari,
Abu Uthman (r.a.a) narrated that
while we were at Adharbijan, 'Umar
wrote to us: 'Allah's Messenger
(s.a.w) forbade wearing silk except this
much. Then the Prophet (s.a.w)
approximated his two (index and
middle) fingers (to illustrate
that) to us.' [Bukhari, 7/719]
This hadith illustartes the importance
of the cleaver and intentional
use of body language. The positioning
of the body, stance of the feet,
hand gestures and eye contact
will all affect the public's reaction
towards the speech.
9.Visual aids
Visual aids have become more widespread
and accpeted as a form of
communication with the onset of
teachnology. Overhead projectors,
chalk or white boards, and charts
are very effective ways to reinforce
specific points. The Prophet (s.a.w)
used visual aids to bring across
important facts as 'Abdullah bin
Mas'ood (r.a.a) narrated: "Allah's
Messenger (s.a.w) drew a line
and then said: 'That is the path shown
by Allah.' Then he drew several
other lines on his right and left sides
and said: 'These are the paths
on every side of which there is a devil
calling towards it.' He then
recited this verse: 'And verily, this (i.e.
Allah's Commandments) is my
Straight Path, so follow it' [6:153]"
[Tirmidhi, Ahmad, Nasaa'i &
Answering questions is one of the
best forms of teaching as it
satisfies the needs of the questioner.
There are many verses in the
Qur'an which were revealed to
answer a posed question [eg. 8:1]; to
explain a law that was called
for by an event [eg. 66:1], to respond to a
raised objection [eg. 25:20],
or to comment on a past incident [eg. the
verses revealed regarding battles]
Posing questions will stimulate
thought and the sharing of ideas.
Answers which are rewarded will
often encourage eager participation.
Means Serve Objectives
The means of any mission must serve
its objectives. So in order to
utilise those means, our objectives
for Da'wah in the West must be
clear and ambitious, but realistic
and achievable. Through knowledge
and wisdom, Da'ees can pioneer
social change, even if it was minor.
For their Da'wah to be effective
and convincing, their means of Da'wah
work requires broad perceptiveness
and open channels of
No Justification for un-Islamic
The work of Da'wah necessitates
the employment of lawful means and
the Da'ee must not adopt any mean
or instrumentality to achieve his
objectives save those allowed
by Islam. It is not permissible to make
use of any mean that is forbidden
in essence as a pretext to convey the
Message. It is necessary here
to distinguish between means that are
forbidden in essence from means
that are essentially lawful but are
chiefly employed in forbidden
tasks or for forbidden purposes.
Today, one can witness how falsehood
has had no shame or
hesitation in spreading its ideas
and advertising its belief. On the
contrary, it has done so with
sheer arrogance and pride, through the
exploitation of women, violence,
propaganda, misguiding the masses,
violation of treaties and so on.
The Da'ee must not engage in such
hideous means, but let his motto
be the principle of Shari'ah which
dictates, 'the mean does not justify
the objective.'
There are Muslims who will stoop
to unimaginable lows to promote
Islamically praisworthy projects.
It has become the norm to see the
funding of schools, mosques, trips
and books coming from interest.
Some will allow the mixed gatehring
of men and women to encourage
participation. The result will
be identical - anything which does not
operate within the framework of
Islam will inevitably fail, as the Islamic
framework is the most solid one
for societies' progression, and
anything other than this will
lead to its decline.
People learn in different
Researchers in pedagogy have confirmed
that people learn in different
ways. Some learn more by what
they see, others by what they hear,
while some prefer to read. People's
acceptance of a concept also
depends on their scope of intellect,
cultural background or field of
operation. These important and
diverse factors call for various
methods of Da'wah dissemination
that appeals to and stimulates
people's interest, senses and
needs. Furthermore, in the West's
information-oriented world, it
may often be impossible to reach the
public with our message without
the means of media and
communication channels.
Therefore, it is clear that Da'wah
should be conveyed through all
possible means of communication.
Such means include writing,
publishing and distributing books
and other reading material on Islam,
producing audiovisuals and computer
software, utilising public media
such as radio and television broadcasting
stations, the press, and the
Internet. Establishing Da'wah
institutions, designing educational
programs, conducting camps with
Da'wah themes or even personal
dialogue with neighbours and work
or student-mates are also effective
ways in which non-Muslims can
embrace Islam and non-practicing
Muslims can return to the truth.
The Prophet (s.a.w) said: "By Allah, if
Allah guides a man (to Islam)
through you, it is much better for you
than being blessed with the best
pleasures of this world." [Bukhari]
Furthermore, the Prophet (s.a.w)
didn't even leave an excuse for an
indolent or negligent person by
asserting: "Convey (my teachings) to
the people even if it were a single
sentence." [Bukhari, Tirmidhee &
Therefore, the Da'ee should be
a dynamic individual who is committed
to building up his skills and
developing his talents. Some useful
knowledge enhancements in the
field of Da'wah, which Da'ees ought
to acquire, includes skills in
management and administration, public
speaking, information technology,
journalism and financing.
To utilise the above means of Da'wah
efficiently and successfully,
Da'wah needs organised and collective
work. Obviously, an individual,
or even a few individuals, can't
be entrusted to perform these massive
load of Da'work. Nor can we expect
conceand team work without
organisation that correctly directs
the efforts and guides to the
objectives. Islam is the Deen
of organisation were all forms of worship,
including the pillars, are performed
at certain times, in a particular way
and with obedience to the Imam.
Da'wah is not an exception and the
Da'ees must follow this system,
by choosing their leader, continuing
their education, formulating and
reviewing their plans, funding their
means, etc.
Our Prophet (s.a.w) passed away
after he had conveyed the Message,
fulfilled the trust and counselled
the Ummah. Our duty is to safeguard
the trust handed down to us through
generations of the Muslim
"May Allah bless a man who hears
my sayings and commits them to
memory, then faithfully communicates
them (to others)" [Bukhari]
