In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
on Other Than Allah
By Br. Abdullah Mujahid

The purpose of Mankind, the sole reason behind our creation, is
to worship Allah Alone: "And I created not the Jinns and men
except that they should worship Me (Alone)." [51: 56]
Worship has been defined by Ibn Taymiyyah as being: "a term
which comprises everything that Allah (s.w.t) loves and
approves of from the apparent and hidden sayings and deeds."
The main condition for such worship to be accepted however, is
that they must be solely made for the Sake of Allah, and no one
else. This is the essence of Tawheed, and the Kalima itself,
which declares boldly that there is no deity worthy of worship
except for Allah.
And Du'a (supplication) is undoubtedly a part of worship, as Ibn
Abbas said, "the best forms of worship is the du'a" [Munthir
Ibn Haakim].
To Allah belongs certain rights, among these including to
slaughter in His Name, to prostrate before no one but Him, and
to direct Du'a to no one but Him. In this regard, the scholar
Rajab said: "Know that it is an obligation to invoke Allah Alone
Du`a, and not His creation... Admitting (and showing) humility
and meekness can only be revealed to Allah, Alone, for this is
the essence of worship."
Ibnul Qayyim said: "And from the types of Shirk, requesting
needs from the dead, and Istighaathah from them and direction
(of the call) to them, and this is the original of the Shirk
Mankind. Since the dead has his deeds cut off from him, and he
cannot cause upon himself any good nor bad, let alone whoever
seeks help from him, or asked him to seek intercession from
Allah on his behalf. "
Calling upon the dead represents a hollow attempt to seek help
from a creature who can benefit the caller nothing. Allah Says:
you call upon them, they hear not your call, and if (in case)
were to hear, they could not grant it (your request) to you.
on the Day of Resurrection, they will disown your worshipping
them" [35: 14]
The argument of the Quraish was similar to that of today's
people: they only invoked their idols as a means or intermediary
towards reaching Allah "We only worship them so that they
bring us closer to Allah." [39: 3]. Similarly, the Walis
(saints) and
Sheikhs and prophets are still called upon by those seeking
need, in the hope that they could fulfil their needs. Yet This
practice was never done by the Companions nor their
predecessors, but rather was done by Hindus and other pagans
who Muslims came in contact with during later conquests.
And if the dead could indeed help anyone, they would help
themselves. Take for example Saad Bin Muath, the Sayyid
(Leader) of the Ansar, upon whose death the Throne of Allah
shook, this exemplary model himself faced the closing in of the
grave, yet he had no power to stop this.
So the one who does this faces the torment of death, and the
punishment f the grave, and dwells in Hell, for Allah says: "When
our Messengers (the angels) come to them to take their souls,
they will say: 'Where are those whom you used to invoke and
worship besides Allah,'they will reply, 'They have vanished
deserted us. 'And they will bear witness against themselves,
they were disbelievers." [7: 37].
Yet many will swear that upon asking the dead or those far away
for assistance, their du'a is answered. This is no proof for
statements however, and in reality, this is true also of other
religions, who worship idols and animals and planets, for they
too find their supplications an. Rather, and as the Scholars
explained, any such occurrence is merely a coincidence or an
act of the Jinns who seek to deviate Muslims. They rush to fulfil
their desires, thus making this act fair-seeming and correct
the eyes of the Muslim.
During the time of the Prophet, there was a hypocrite who was
causing harm upon the Believers. So some of them said "Let us
go to the Prophet (s.a.w) and ask him to Istagheeth (seek for
removal of harm) for us from this hypocrite." So the Prophet
(s.a.w) replied "Verily, Istighaathah cannot be requested from
me, rather, from Allah." Although it was within the Prophet's
(s.a.w) ability and power to prevent the harm from the hypocrite,
and although their request was Islamically valid, he stressed
the importance of using such terms for Allah only, because of
the consequent damage it could cause to the Tawheed of his
Ummah, had it been used to other than Allah.
Nonetheless, a myriad of Muslims still persist in this vice, even
though the Scholars of Ahlus Sunnah have agreed upon its
impermissibility. Ibn Taymiyyah commented in this regard: "But
whoever takes them (Sheikhs, Awliyaa', Pirs etc..) as
intermediaries between Allah and His creation... So that they
the ones to pass on to Allah the needs of His creations, since
(they believe that) Allah gives the guidance and the sustenance
because of their intercession, so that the people would ask them
(the intermediaries), who will then ask Allah, just as the kings'
intermediaries present people's needs to the kings because they
are closer to them from the need-seeker.. Whoever takes them
as intermediaries in this manner, then such person is Kaffir
Mushrik, and should be asked to repent, and should be killed
he refuses; such people are Mushabbiha (resemblers), who
have resembled the Creator to His creation, and have adopted
partners with Him".
The ways of the Prophets was to call Mankind to the worship of
Allah, to seek His Help in every way, for He is the All-Hearer
All-Seer: "And when My slaves ask you concerning Me, then
(say) I am indeed near. I respond to the invocations of the
supplicant when he calls on Me. So let them obey Me and
believe in Me, so that they may be led aright." [2: 186].
